Parmesan breadsticks

Lockdownkitchen Day 27.

I don’t usually repost old recipes, but I think I finally nailed the recipe for Caraway Breadsticks – First, Second and Third Attempt, so here is my fourth and final attempt, with the addition of grated parmesan, too.

This dough is a runny little bugger (you may want to try using a LITTLE less than 200ml water or adding a wee bit more flour), and no matter how much you try to pull it into shape, it will do its best to shrink back and melt into the other pieces. The oil underneath doesn’t help. I found that using paper parchment is better than the reusable ones.

I sometimes use chopsticks to prevent the dough from melting back into one big heap.

The original Swabian Seele is topped with coarse salt and caraway, but I really lile adding grated parmesan (or other cheese) instead or on top, too.

I usually spray water on first, then add caraway and/or cheese. I don’t add the salt until immediately before baking because the water will dissolve the salt granules otherwise.

Once you have sprayed the dough with water and added whatever topping you like, let dough rest for a third time, approx. 30-45 minutes.

Preheat oven to 230deg, then bake on centre rack for 15-20 minutes until they turn a golden shade of brown.

Eat the same day for maximum flavour!

This has become a staple in our family, and everyone else I have made these for has loved them so far, too.

Thanks mum 🙂

Published by Kat

A language nerd by profession, I love messing about in my kitchen, whether it is chopping potatoes into impossibly thin slices, folding fatty meat into small dumplings, frying the hell out of innocent vegetables (Chinese style) or just baking more bread and cake than anyone could possibly ever eat. 因美而喜,因食而幸. I am not sure if it's therapy or if therapy is what I need, but it sure makes me happy.

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