I LOVE pear jam. As it is less common than strawberry or raspberry jam, a lot of supermarkets either don’t stock it or charge rather a lot. Which is why I made some myself.

all you need is pears, jam sugar (2:1), a hint of lemon juice and some grated vanilla. And some clean jars.

Oh, and possibly a wee dram of pear schnapps. Purely optional but very nice indeed.

Quantities depend on how many pears you have.

Peel and deseed them, then weigh and remember that weight.

Chop into small-ish cubes, add to a pot and bring to a boil together with a bit of lemon juice. Reduce the heat and leave to simmer for about 20minutes.

In the meantime, remember the weight of the pears and measure out half the amount of jam sugar. So if you used 500g pears, prepare 250g sugar.

Add sugar and vanilla to the cooked pears. Using a blender, blitz quickly until smooth. Add a splash of schnapps if using.

Return to the stove and cook over low heat for another 15 min.

Once the jam is set, remove it from the heat and transfer to the clean jars. Place lid on jars, then turn jar on its head to seal properly.

Published by Kat

A language nerd by profession, I love messing about in my kitchen, whether it is chopping potatoes into impossibly thin slices, folding fatty meat into small dumplings, frying the hell out of innocent vegetables (Chinese style) or just baking more bread and cake than anyone could possibly ever eat. 因美而喜,因食而幸. I am not sure if it's therapy or if therapy is what I need, but it sure makes me happy.

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